|| Who among us does not know Moroccan tea who belongs to the famous Moroccan food family.Where no day goes by for a Moroccan without drinking a glass of tea and enjoy the warm breeze especially in the evening, And it is simple and easy to preparation where it can be prepared in several minutes, I strongly recommend you to try this delicious Moroccan drink.
So Here are the details you need to prepare this Delicious Moroccan food enjoy !

Fixings : 

  • 7 new mint sprigs cut down the middle so they can fit in the tea kettle and more for garnish
  • 1 stored teaspoon free gunpowder tea
  • 500ml boiling  water
  • 3 tablespoons caster sugar

Strategy :

• In a perfect pot, pour the black powder tea and a large portion of some the bubbled water. Give the tea a chance to stew for a moment and spill out the water in a different cup. In the event that utilizing a stovetop pot, strain the water to keep the tea grounds inside the pot. Put this cup aside as it contains the quintessence of the tea. Try not to dispose of it. 

• Repeat a similar procedure, pour a large portion of some the bubbled water in a similar tea kettle however this time, whirl the tea kettle multiple times to wash to the tea leaves. In the event that utilizing a stovetop pot, strain the water to keep the tea grounds inside the pot. Spill out the water and dispose of it. 

• Now, embed the crisp mint, sugar and first cup of water you put aside before. Fill the tea kettle with the staying bubbled water and let delicately stew over medium-low warmth until it reaches boiling point. It's imperative to let the tea gradually reach boiling point to empower the explosive tea and crisp mint to soak appropriately. On the off chance that you utilize a Moroccan tea kettle, you will see steam originating from the tea kettle when it's bubbling. 

• When it reaches boiling point, cautiously open the tea kettle and with a huge spoon, blend the tea to ensure that the sugar is all around broken up. Serve hot. on the off chance that utilizing a stovetop pot, strain the tea to keep the tea grounds inside the pot when filling each glass. 

• Place some new mint in every tea cup/glass to get a more grounded crisp mint smell and to enhance your tea cups/glasses .

    😇 You can access all the articles about  Moroccan Drinks recipes  through this link