" Moroccan Harira " one of the most famous Moroccan food. it an authentic soup and is the main dish of the month of Ramadan, Served in a round bowl called with  Moroccan dialect " Zlafa " with boiled eggs or dates and Shabakia, And may vary the shape and color of the pot placed in it depending on regions and cultures, and eat this Moroccan food which are usually delicious At dinner and best with family or any gathering.

Some authors say that "Harira" of Andalusian origin, Which its currently Spain, Was found several centuries ago and has spread widely in both Morocco and Algeria. Depending on the region it belongs to, For example, There is Harira   Fassi and Marrakech...

Ahmed Farzi, an owner of the "Harira shop", says that there is a great demand for Harira in most of the seasons, especially the winter season. Mostly, this Moroccan food is ordered in the evening because it collects both pleasure and a small price, The cost of the one Zlafa is half a dollar or four Moroccan dirhams. Ahmed Farzi said demand has increased dramatically in the summer because a lot of tourists come each year to drink this distinctive soup.

The Harira soup consists of a mixture of many vegetables, spices and meat, may be prepared for more than two and a half hours, for the method of preparation it is simple you will need a quarter of one kg of lamb or beef cut into small parts for easy cooking, two cups of marinated chickpeas, and one kg of tomato Red ground to add a distinctive taste with some redness of the soup, in addition to two tablespoons of coriander and celery chopped and also chopped onion with a cup of medium thin noodles, add two tablespoons Yemeni and salt and a tablespoon of ginger and black pepper,
And a glass of oil, all the ingredients are mixed with the addition of a liter and a half or as desired from the hot water, put everything in a special pot and leave the ingredients on the fire to cook, after completion, the soup is served hot.

In terms of health, Harira is a soup rich in  benefits and diverse in its components, and be a complete meal with some bread, it contains a lot of vitamins and proteins such as vitamin "B" and "A", as well as minerals such as iron phosphorus and calcium, in addition to carbohydrates and healthy fats.
Here are the detailed way to prepare this Moroccan soup through this link